Saturday, March 10, 2007


Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay (Deuteronomy 32:35)," says the Lord.
Romans 12:19
I thought that most people knew that you weren't suppose to take revenge, and that it is GOD's job to avenge. Well, I guess I was wrong. At school I'm always hearing really angry people talking about how unfair it is that whenever someone does something bad to them they don't get in trouble, but when they try to do it back they always get in trouble and have to go see the principal or something. Of course, I feel bad that they have to go through all of their punishments, but I feel even worse to know that they would take revenge in the first place. It's GOD's job to avenge and punish people who did something bad to you, but if you seek revenge on account of that person, you are the one who GOD will be punishing. That person might have done it first, but you were the one it gave in to it. If you took revenge, don't be angry at that person for doing it first. Be angry at yourself for trying to do GOD's job. It's your fault if you take revenge. I can't think of anything that more clearly states it than verse above. The Bible has all the answers, you just have to take the time to look.
GOD bless you all.
Peace be with you all.
Keep fighting the good fight.
I'll see you in heaven.
Your servant,
RC Hammer


Shawn Manley said...

great post and i love the pictures! Hey, and thanks for the comment, and sounds great as far as the donation. Your in my prayers! L8tr ;)

RC HAMMER said...

Thanks, you too.
GOD bless you.

RC Hammer

RC HAMMER said...

To anyone who is waiting for a new post:

I'm sorry. I have a lot of posts on drafts, but I am waiting for someone from my class to comment on this post. It is directed mainly to them. Please keep checking back here, and feel free to leave comments about anything, so I know that you're there.

GOD bless you all.

RC Hammer