Raising your Standards
Part 1
I've noticed something very alarming that I think I should mention before it is way overdue; A great number of Christians have lowered their standards. What do I mean by this? I mean they have lowered the term "sin" and brought it down to almost nothing. They have raised their acceptance of many sinful, ungodly things. Some even take the next step and begin to perform such wicked deeds. They've taken God's law, threw it into the trash, and written up their own "ideas" in place of God's holy and perfect law. God's law? I'm talking about things like lying, committing adultery (if you look at someone with lust, that's adultery too), or even using God's name in vain (that's a very big one). You understand... The basics. Things like the Ten Commandments. Great multitudes of Christians, maybe even you, may think that some of these things are okay to do. But I'm here to warn you; When you die, these are the things God will judge you by. Will you be innocent or guilty? Will you be the one professing God or possessing God? Remember, heaven is spotless... It cannot contain sinful things.
You may be the one thinking that you don't need to live by God's law, that you can participate in corrupt and vile deeds. However, remember that you are a temple of God... The Bible says that any one who destroys the temple will be destroyed. (I mean "destroying the temple" by sinning).
Also, why would you want to participate in sinful things? You were saved by Jesus Christ! He took you out of your harmful state and cleaned you up, made you one of His chosen few! He didn't have to... He could have left us all stranded on this earth. You were forgiven because He was forsaken! (Goodness! I using a lot of quotes from songs). What I mean to say in this part can best be summed up by Jesus, when He said, "If you love me, you will keep my commands."
Some of God's children have been corrupted by their own sinful acts, which consume them and lead them to death. So, I think it's my responsibility as a servant (and friend) of God to give this message of repentance. (Kind of like John the Baptist... "Repent! The kingdom of God is at hand!"... I could see Mr. T saying that too...). So, all of you who are consumed by sinful works, repent, and be washed clean with the holy and powerful blood of Jesus Christ. Stay away from all sin, iniquity, and anything that is against God's law that will lead you away from the path of life. I come to you in Jesus' name, and I call you to raise your standards. (If you don't know what to raise, then I highly suggest you spend some time in the light, with your Bible. If you are already a Christian, you should be reading it a lot anyway).
Raising your Standards
Part 2
So, reading over this you might have some questions or complaints, like, "Your not Chuck Norris, you can't tell me what to do!!!" Or, "Maybe I'm guilty of this stuff, but what about you? You have sinned too." Alright, concerning the second one... My answer...
I believe what the Bible says. And the Bible says that no one is without sin. Therefore, I say myself, I am evil. However, there is one who is perfect and without sin, Jesus Christ. And judging by His perfect law (the Bible), I perceive you to be evil too. I am not telling you that you need to raise your standards by my own speculation and ideas, but I am telling you all of this with my eyes on God's law... the perfect and upright law. You see, I'm correcting my sinful acts, I'm getting rid of them. I am raising my standards. Right now, I am simply calling you to do the same. In Christ's name, amen.
Raising your Standards
Part 3
Don't go away yet! I have one more part to cover. Yes, I want you to raise your standards, meaning to accept less sinful things... Meaning to accept no sinful things actually. But I also want you to accept more holy things. How about reading your Bible more... or praying to God... A lot! Everyone reading this knows about prayer closets (there are other names for them too) right? It's a place where you pray to God at least once a day. If you don't yet have one, you should build one up. How about fasting? Basicly, what I'm trying to say here is that you should try to dedicate yourself a little bit more to God, not only by pushing away sinful things, but also by getting closer to godly things.
That is my message. Think about it.
God bless you all. Peace be with you. I'll be praying for you.
Your servant, RC Hammer
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