Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bible Test

I've made a three question Bible test. This is more of a "Wow! I didn't know that!" type of thing. It isn't really so much a test to see if you "know" the Bible 100%. It is basically fun facts. As you might remember from my old blog ( I had something similar to this. However, the answers in this test are a lot more broad. The answers will be at the bottom.


1. What are the names of the two that JESUS call the "sons of thunder?"

2. What is the name of the two people who Peter handed over to Satan?

3. Who (in the Old Testament) are the two people who never died?

Did you guess yet? Is it your final answer? Go down to take a look.


1. James and John. (Mark 3:17)

2. Hymenaeus and Alexander. (1st Timothy 1:20)

3. Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:12)

Did you get any right? Let me know if you did. I will close with this verse, letting you know it is good to read the Bible to strengthen your relationship with GOD:

The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip.

Psalm 37:31

GOD bless you all! Peace.

Your servant,

RC Hammer

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Isabella said...

ha ha ha ryker you crack me up...shelby wesley from 5th grade....i think she doesnt really get God. like she understands about being catholic a little but not a whole about the bible.....please pray for her and leave comments on my blog because i always look for your comments on your blog last resort lol!! kk well PE@CE!


Anonymous said...

Umm... OK. I'll pray for her.
I'll comment on your blog more often too.

Pierce was really mad about getting in trouble at school today. But he shouldn't have tried to get revenge... It's in the Bible that you let GOD do the avenging but I guess a lot of kids at school don't know that. I'm going to post about it here... I've seemed to get the attention of the kids at school with this blog, so it could do a lot of good.

GOD bless you.

RC Hammer

(P.S. I had to use 'Other' because I haven't signed in yet.)